
Sunday 1 November 2015

In Search of a Patch

I moved to W Dorset in March and became patchless. This didn't matter initially, because my birding juices were all but dried up and had been for some time. But as October (and Scilly) approached I became aware of a familiar urge. I should adopt a patch, I thought. But where?
What about West Bexington, just a 15 minute drive along the coast?
Nope. Already taken.
West Bay then? Less than 10 minutes and the nearest bit of coast.
Nope. I shall say no more, but nope. Do you know West Bay?
Eype? About 10 minutes.
Hmmm. Tight little valley running down to the sea; well vegetated gully near the end. Coast path going both ways. I decided to give it a look.
Cliffs W of Eype, looking back to the village in the distance. Also sheep.

A distant Lyme Regis from Harcombe Beacon, which lies about a mile W of Eype

What shall I say? 'Promising' would be my tentative verdict. I like the habbo and have seen some birds, including 3 Wheatears on Oct 9 and a smart Firecrest in the Eypemouth gully three days ago.


Access is a bit fiddly and parking is atrocious. Teeny single-track road down to the sea and annoying, pay-all-year-you-sucker car park at the end.
Also, there are people. Quite a lot of people, even early in the morning. And that's October. I dread to think what August and September are like. And spring.
Plus it wouldn't provide what I would call year-round interest.
Worst of all, there are no gulls.



  1. Lyme Regis under cliff to the east of the town now has a new path and looks good for birds. Charmouth beach coastal reed bed (and gulls on small pool). NT car park east of Charmouth (Stonebarrow) and footpath from there down to cliffs). All ready for you Gav...

  2. Ah Steve, I know, I know. There are so many choices within easy striking distance, and thanks for the suggestions. I suspect the problem is at least two-fold:
    1. My enthusiasm for birding is still a bit fragile, and
    2. Seaton and the Axe have totally spoiled me!
    Still, no rush...

  3. Share Cogden with me Gav...the best sunrise on the the south coast (better than Beer Head, honest)...fab vis mig & more

    1. Hi James, coincidentally Steve made exactly the same suggestion only yesterday! Sounds like a plan...

  4. Visited Eype for the first time this year. Great for beetling when the birds don't play ball

  5. Ha! Thanks Martin. Yet another branch of Nat Hist which I have yet to investigate! If only I had the time...
